Iowa Highway 141 Garage Sale


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For information on sales in Bayard contact:
Patti Patrick


      There is road construction on Highway 141 between Coon Rapids and Bayard -- 

       But Bayard will STILL be having Garage Sales August 1st & 2nd, 2014

       You can still get to Bayard, follow the detour you will find us!!!!


       Bayard has a $8.00 PER FAMILY (not per location) registration fee (i.e. 2 families @

       one site be $16; 3 families be $24 etc.)    This registration fee will get you on our town

       map as well as on the official website under the Bayard Town site

       as well as all other venues the 141 Sale Committee uses to post this event.  It also helps

       to defray local advertising costs and other expenses.   Deadline for registration is July 24

       (If you miss deadline, you may still come and set up a garage sale site - registration fee

         will still be assessed, but you won't be guaranteed of being on town map or website.)

       Contact Patti Patrick for registration form

2015 Bayard Area Sale Listings

Bayard 2004 Sale