Iowa Highway 141 Garage Sale

Highway Safety

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Iowa Drivers Manual

Highway and Street Safety Is Everyone's Responsibility

Highway and street safety is the responsibility of everyone.  When driving, please remember to follow the laws governing the use of our highways and streets.  Excessive speed is usually a factor in highway accidents.  The Highway 141 Sale Committee asks that everyone involved in any capacity with the Highway 141 Sale act and drive in a manner that does not endanger the safety of other people or property.


Remember to use your vehicles directional signals when pulling both onto and off of the highway.  Maintain a safe distance between you and the vehicle ahead.  Always watch out for pedestrians.


Please be courteous and do not block driveways!


If we all obey and follow the rules of the road, the Highway141 Sale will be a success for all.

The Highway 141 Sale is ALWAYS the
first Friday & Saturday in August!